We have in stock a range of Flight Simulators for Professional Flight Training. - for immediate delivery.
The ELITE S812 FNPT II features a single pilot, fully enclosed spacious cockpit with a fully integrated enclosed instructor station as well as an external visual system. It is also certifiable under FAA regulations as an AATD and under CASA regulations as a Level B FSD2 training device.
Totally integrated system
Single electro-mechanical dynamic control loading yoke
Single electro-mechanical dynamic control loading pedals
Single and/or twin engine piston aircraft configuration
Fully integrated enclosed instructor station
Full size cockpit
Image generator 1-channel visual (optionally up to 5-channels)
Optional enhancements available:
Additional GPS receivers (GNS430 or GNS530)
additional twin and single engine aircraft modules (convertible)
Maximum credits available:
Log five Hrs Basic training towards PPL
Log 40 Hrs Instrument training towards CPL (Integrated)
Log 40 Hrs Instrument training towards ATPL (Integrated)
Log five Hrs Instrument training towards CPL (Modular)
Log 35 Hrs Instrument training towards IR-SE (Modular)
Log 40 Hrs Instrument training towards IR-ME (Modular)
Log 25 Hrs Experience towards ATPL
Log 50 Hrs Experience towards FI
Log five Hrs Instructor training towards FI
Log 10 Hrs Instructor training towards IRI
meets FAA ADVANCED ATD requirements
Log 2.5 Hrs towards the PRIVATE
Log 20 Hrs towards the INSTRUMENT
Log 25 Hrs towards the ATPL
Log 50 Hrs towards the COMMERCIAL
Recent Flight Experience (maintain currency)
Instrument Proficiency Check (partial)
Instrument Practical Test (partial)
meets requirements for approval in Australia and New Zealand
20 out of the 40 hours required for Instrument Rating
Cross country instrument flight
All approaches including GPS non-precision approaches
Recency (includes 2 out of the 3 hours per 90 days and all approaches)
Also meets CASA certification for recency credits without an instructor required to be present.
EASA CS-FSTD (A) approved, FAA approvable and CASA approvable aircraft models for the ELITE S812 FNPT II are:
Beech Baron B58
Beech Bonanza A36
Beech Duchess B76
Cessna 172RG
Piper Arrow IV
Piper Seneca III
Beech King Air B200
EASA credits overview fixed-wing
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